Coronavirus — beetwen bullshitjob experts and real life heroes

This global crisis shows us what are the real important jobs our society depends on

Central Station Vienna ( Hauptbahnhof Wien 16.03.2020)

I broke the 1st day of the official quarantine in Vienna. My mother, who is in isolation at home already 4 weeks in Milano, told me she can’t find some of her medicines. I run to different pharmacies through the city. Luckily after finding them I went to the post office and shipped them to mother. I hope that my package will arrive. Actually, I know it will arrive because there are some invisible heroes that make a lot of things possible. (Update!!! the package arrived today 20.03.2020 just 4 days latter)

The city was a ghost, the central train station, the big intersections, the undergrounds, the roads, the parks… scary and still.

I came back home and I opened my laptop. And there I found everybody. Complaining/ analyzing/ criticizing/ evaluating/forecasting /selling/ offering advice/ all for free.

So much……..


And although everybody, who is important, is at home, the city still works. Perfectly!

All the very busy people. Including myself. All the wellpaid people, the wellbehaved ones or not could finally do remote work.

Most of the people who can take work home and do remote office are the ones that our society today needs last.

Ask yourself regarding all the tasks you took to do at home. If you don’t do it today will someone care tomorrow? Will someone even notice? What if you don’t do it at all? Most flights canceled, most deadlines postponed, most borders not opened, most schools empty, most offices closed, most hospitals full, most…., most…., most….

But those who can’t do home-office or remote-work are the real heroes of our time. And guess what?? Our existence depends on them, our safety depends on them, our life depends on them, our comfort depends on them and they are probably the worse paid and the less visible and often the less respected of all.

Also, they are the ones that can’t be home with their children and complain that home schooling sucks.

Who are these invisible heroes?

Let’s start by the people who work at the local supermarket, yes those who also filled the shelves with toilet paper, while some were rushing to buy 4 packs.

Or the people working for the post office and delivery services

Or the train, tram and bus drivers

Or the underground traffic workers

Or the ones who cleaned the streets during the night

Or the garbage collectors and the waste treatment workers

Or the energy workers

Or the utility workers that keep the lights on and the water running

Or the farmers and agricultural workers who milked the cows today and collected fruit and vegetable and every day grow, catch, raise or else contribute to provide our food

Or the truck drivers and loading workers that made possible that food comes to our supermarket

Or the police officers that work on our safety and still are often unpopular

Or the soldiers and the army

Or the firefighters and civil protection that are willing to risk their lives to protect ours

Or the person who cleans the public toilets — specially at the train stations or at the hospitals

Or the pilots and the flight attendants

Or the airplane technicias

Or the air traffic controllers

Or the school teachers

Or the field correspondents

Or the refugee camp workers

Or the crematorium workers, the funeral and cemetery workers

Or the doctors

Or the nurses

Or the technical workers at the hospitals

Or the caregivers

Or the pharmacists

Or the ambulance drivers

Or the first aid responders

Or the medical researchers

Did I forget anyone from our invisible heroes….? (Please help me and add them in the comments)

Enjoy your remote work!

And be thankful to our invisible heroes!

P.S. Very often all of them together earn as much as one soccer player/one fashion designer /one influencer alone.

Did we lose a bit the connection to reality???

Is our biggest problem today postponing the European soccer championship?

ole ole ole oleeeee

ole oleeeeee. ……



AseTila Köstinger 🐝 von Sonnenland

An innovation economist. A futurist, impact entrepreneur and startup mentor. Enthusiast about the SDGs, blockchain and the future of energy.